
Terms and Condition

Seleris Insurance Underwriting

Terms of Service

Last updated : December 21, 2023



Thanks for using the Seleris service!


PT Seleris Meditekno Internasional ("Seleris" or "We") provides online services to view, compare and purchase insurance products from our partner insurance companies that can be used by visitors, users, customers, subscribers and/or the public ("You" and "Users").


By visiting, using and/or registering on the Seleris Platform, you have read, agreed and accepted our Terms & Conditions and the matters described in these Terms & Conditions. Please note that We may change, modify, add and delete these Terms and Conditions at any time if necessary to comply with the provisions of laws and regulations applicable to Us or reflect changes in Our operations, provided that We will make reasonable efforts to provide notice of changes to the Terms. You should check the Terms and Conditions periodically to ensure Your compliance with the latest version. By continuing to use the Seleris Platform following any changes to the Terms and Conditions, You are deemed to agree and consent to such changes.


Please read carefully to ensure you understand our Terms & Conditions.


1. Definitions


1.1 "You" means any visitor, user, customer, subscriber and/or public of the Seleris Platform;


1.2 "Arbitration" or "BANI Rules" has the meaning as mentioned in number 17.3;


1.3 "Policy Book" has the meaning as mentioned in number 2;


1.4 "We" and "Company" means Seleris and PT Seleris Meditekno Internasional (including its group companies, holding companies and subsidiaries (if any));


1.5 "Insurance Company" has the meaning ascribed to it in number 3; and


1.6 "Seleris Platform" means the Seleris website (, any subdomains thereof, and any other Seleris platform through which Seleris provides services (collectively, the "Site"), mobile, tablet and other smart device applications, and application program interfaces (collectively, the "Application") and all related services (collectively, the "Seleris Services"). The Sites, Apps and Seleris Services are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Seleris Platform".


2. General Terms

By using Seleris' services, you hereby acknowledge that:


2.1 You appoint Seleris to provide consulting and/or brokering services in the closing of insurance or sharia insurance products as well as handling the settlement of claims from insurance products that you purchase through the Seleris Platform.


2.2 You are applying for the insurance benefits offered by Seleris and agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia in relation to your insurance application.


2.3 You have read and understood the fees, premiums, benefits, exclusions and information regarding the insurance product you are applying for through Seleris.


2.4 You have read, understood, answered and filled in completely and correctly the information contained in the insurance application, in accordance with the actual circumstances and as a basis for making the insurance policy. If there is any change in the information in your insurance application, you must notify Seleris as soon as possible so that Seleris can follow up as necessary.


2.5 You agree and understand that in the event that you enter data that is not in accordance with the actual circumstances, Seleris reserves the right to refuse, cancel or delay the application for insurance and/or its services to you, including following up through legal proceedings if deemed necessary.


2.6 You agree and understand that your insurance application is also subject to the risk selection or requirements of the Insurance Company and incurs payment responsibility to be repaid.


2.7 You agree and understand that the Insurance Company has the right to refuse and cancel Your insurance application and/or terminate the policy in the event that:

  1. You do not fulfill the applicable conditions in relation to due diligence;
  2. It is known and/or reasonably suspected that You submit information that is doubtful and/or use false documents; and
  3. You have a source of transaction funds that is known and/or reasonably suspected to come from the proceeds of a criminal offense.


2.8 You authorize and allow Seleris to use, provide information and information about You obtained or stored by Seleris (as stated in the insurance application, Seleris Platform and/or other means) to other parties at home and abroad who have a cooperative relationship with Seleris including but not limited to:

  1. In the context of your insurance application, payment of claims, service and marketing of other products to you; and/or
  2. To (i) ensure the accuracy of your information/data; (ii) offer support and information on insurance products; (iii) help you find insurance products that suit your needs; and (iv) respond to your questions, complaints and claims.


2.9 You agree and understand that:

  1. The policy and/or policy overview ("Policy Book") you apply for will be issued and delivered by Seleris in digital/electronic form (e-policy) to your email address that you registered when applying for insurance through the Seleris Platform;
  2. With due observance of the applicable provisions, Seleris has its own policy regarding the delivery of the Policy Book in digital/electronic form (e-policy) or printed document (hardcopy); and
  3. If You request the issuance and delivery of the policy and/or policy overview in hardcopy, Seleris may charge You an additional fee therefor.


2.10 You are not subject to and have no tax and/or tax reporting obligations to any country outside Indonesia, particularly in relation to the provisions of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).


2.11 You are and meet the definition of a beneficial owner who:

  1. Are also the actual owners of the funds to be placed with the insurance company;
  2. Controls the policy transaction;
  3. Gives power of attorney to carry out the transaction;
  4. Controls the corporation or other legal arrangement; and/or
  5. Acting as the final controller of the transaction conducted through a legal entity or agreement, based on the prevailing laws and regulations.


2.12 You understand and are fully responsible for any consequences arising from any misinformation in connection with your insurance application through Seleris.


2.13 You are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with the Privacy Policy and Seleris Terms & Conditions available on the Seleris Platform.


3. Services


3.1 We will deliver or provide our services which include among others:

  1. Provision of information, resources and tools to help you learn, understand, compare and make an informed decision on your choice of insurance product and the insurance company issuing the insurance product;
  2. Provision of consultation, advice and recommendations on insurance products and portfolios;
  3. Evaluation of your insurance needs;
  4. Provision of various insurance products for you;
  5. Assistance with insurance applications or payment for insurance products; and/or
  6. Assistance in the settlement of your insurance claim; through various tools and methods of telephone, video call, e-mail, VOIP, website, or application.


3.2 By using the Seleris service, you agree and understand that we have the right to:

  1. Deny the use of our services to you;
  2. Suspend or cancel your account;
  3. Refuse any insurance application or application for an insurance product, renewal of an insurance policy, extension of an existing insurance policy, or provision of our advisory services to you; and/or
  4. Cancel your insurance product application; if you fail to comply with the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and applicable laws and regulations, including in the event that you fail to meet the requirements stated by Seleris or the insurance company underwriting the product ("Insurance Company"), or provide inaccurate or misleading information.


4. Process and Responsibilities and Purchasing


4.1. Seleris is an Insure Tech company, so we do not underwrite risks and issue insurance policies like an insurance company.


4.2. As an Insure Tech company working with Insurance Companies and insurance brokerage companies, we assist you in selecting insurance products issued by Insurance Companies working with insurance brokerage companies and Seleris. The information/data you provide will be developed by us to recommend suitable insurance products. You will be presented with information about Insurance Companies and their products. The Insurance Company will underwrite the risk based on your information in the insurance application.


4.3. We make product recommendations based on the information you provide. The decision to choose an insurance product is entirely yours and you are responsible for the final choice of insurance product. You are required to read and understand the information presented before proceeding with your insurance application to payment. Seleris will not be liable for any loss arising from your selection or purchase of an insurance product or your delay in doing so, except as provided by applicable laws and regulations.


4.4. To the extent permitted by law, We have the right to refuse acceptance of bookings (or in certain cases cancel booking confirmations) for insurance products based on our applicable policies, without the need to provide reasons for refusal, suppression or cancellation. Reasons for rejection, suppression or cancellation of a user or booking may include, but are not limited to: breach of these Terms and Conditions, imposition of trade or economic sanctions by global or national authorities, embargoes, regulatory compliance, suspected acts of fraud or theft (or the existence of indications or suspicions of fraud or theft), suspected criminal activity, suspicious bookings, services that are not available or are no longer provided by the Insurance Company, provision of inaccurate, false, or misleading information by you, payment-related issues, information, or transactions, inappropriate conduct, threats, insults, refusal to provide information, practical obstacles, communication difficulties or failures, a history of violations of these Terms and Conditions or previous rejections, or inclusion in "blacklists" or "watch lists" by governments or international organizations. In accordance with applicable regulations, we are authorized to disable or delete user accounts (including yours) on the Seleris Platform at any time, either temporarily or permanently. If you fall under any of these classifications, you may not and must not attempt to use the Seleris Platform under any other name or account.


5. Payment


5.1. The currency we use is Rupiah (IDR).


5.2. As confirmation of your insurance application, you are then required to make payment for the insurance product you have chosen. You may only use the payment channels provided by Seleris. You understand and agree that payment of the premium is not a guarantee of approval from the Insurance Company to underwrite the risk, provide cover or issue a policy. The Insurance Company reserves the right to accept or reject your insurance policy application.


5.3. In the event that your insurance application is subsequently rejected by the Insurance Company, Seleris will refund the said payment to you after deducting any costs that may be incurred such as fees to third parties, bank fees, fees of your credit card issuing company and/or your credit card fees (if any). We do not provide any guarantee in the accuracy of the timing of the entry of the refund into your account. The refund process may take time and is subject to each bank's procedures and/or the timing of the payment system provider's internal processes.


5.4. If your insurance application is accepted by the Insurance Company, your payment is automatically recorded as a premium payment for the insurance product you have chosen. Seleris will then send the Policy Book in digital/electronic form (e-policy) to your email address and/or hardcopy document to your correspondence address.


5.5. In certain cases, We may cancel or refuse Your Payment where there is an error on the Seleris Platform (for example, but not limited to, in terms of pricing) which no rational person would consider appropriate or make business sense. The amount charged will be reimbursed at no further cost in such cases.


6. Credit Card


6.1. You may choose to use a credit card payment method. In connection therewith, you are responsible for the use of your credit card and the consequences and costs that may arise therefrom. You understand and agree to release and hold Seleris harmless from any charges, fines or demands in connection with the use of your credit card.


6.2. In order to safeguard and encrypt Your credit card information in making payments on the Seleris Platform, We may use encryption technology such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure the integrity of Your information.


6.3. In the event of any credit card fraud or misuse of Your credit card by a third party, You must contact Your bank or card issuer immediately after You become aware of such misuse. In this regard, We will not be liable for any instances of credit card fraud or misuse of Your credit card by a third party, regardless of whether such instances of fraud or misuse were committed through the Seleris Platform, other than instances arising from fraud by or manifestly proven to be the intentional act or error of Seleris. Unless otherwise required by law, We are under no obligation to make any refund or repayment to You as a result of such fraud. As part of Our good faith efforts, We may provide some form of compensation to You based on Our judgment and approval. You will only be eligible for compensation if the booking is made through Our secure server and the fraud or misuse of Your credit card is a result of Our error or negligence and there is no contribution of Your own fault when using Our secure server or You are otherwise legally entitled to compensation. We shall not be liable for any fraud or misuse of Your credit card if it is committed through an application or server other than Our own or if it is the result of Your own fault or negligence. If You suspect any unauthorized or fraudulent bookings made with Us, You should contact Our customer service team immediately.


6.4. If a credit card payment is known, suspected and/or proven to have been used illegally or in violation of the law, Seleris is authorized to:

  1. Withhold transaction funds for as long as required by Seleris, the bank, or the relevant payment gateway partner to conduct the necessary investigation; and/or
  2. Cancel your insurance application.


7. Accuracy of Third Party Information


Seleris is committed to applying the utmost expertise, care and due diligence in providing, displaying and updating information on insurance products, risks, benefits, liabilities, costs, prices, exclusions and any information related to insurance products and Insurance Companies in Our non-digital channels and digital channels. We do our best to present information that is accurate, true and not misleading. All information presented is subject to change at any time without prior notice from us. Such information is the sole responsibility of the parties providing it. Except as required by applicable laws and regulations, we are not liable for any damages or losses resulting from your use of this information.


8. Intellectual Property


Unless otherwise specified in these Terms & Conditions, nothing in the Seleris Platform, services and/or content shall be construed as granting to the User or any third party any license or right, by implication or otherwise, under any laws or regulations including, without limitation those related to copyright or other intellectual property rights. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Seleris Platform, services and content, including any features or equipment available on the Site, may contain proprietary and confidential information including copyrights, trademarks, service marks and patents protected by applicable laws and regulations, and international treaties, regarding intellectual property. No Seleris content may be sold, reproduced, modified, published distributed or exploited whether in print, electronic or any other form (including any derivative works in any form).


9. Use of Our Platform


9.1. You may only download content owned by Seleris for personal use. This permission does not imply an assignment of any license or ownership of any kind. You must provide a statement as to whether You have obtained the relevant content from the Seleris Platform, and where appropriate, provide a link to the specific content sourced, quoted or referred to.


9.2. Except as permitted in writing by Us, You will not distribute, modify, copy, transmit, display, post, reuse, re-create, license, create derivative works from, transfer sell including promote, or use the Content in any way without Our written permission.


9.3. You may not display or transmit any material that may be infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive, harassing, accusatory, libelous, vulgar, indecent, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, or profane or any prohibited material that may constitute or encourage conduct that may be considered criminal, cause public harm, or in any way violate any laws and regulations.


9.4. You agree and will not carry out activities by attempting to gain unauthorized access to or disrupt or disrupt computer systems or networks connected to the Seleris Platform, interfere with the utilization and use of the Seleris Platform, use or intentionally upload software or materials that contain/suspected to damage data or cause damage to the Seleris Platform.


9.5. You are prohibited from using the Seleris Platform for any advertising, marketing and commercial purposes and purposes that violate the law (illegal).


9.6. In addition to the foregoing, you also agree not to:

  1. Take any action that imposes, or may impose, an unreasonable burden on the Seleris Platform or the Seleris Platform infrastructure;
  2. Create a primary link to the Seleris Platform (including but not limited to an order path) for any purpose without the express written consent of Seleris;
  3. Resell, use, copy, conduct surveillance (such as using or installing a spider or scrape program), display, download or manufacture any content, software, products, services available through the Seleris Platform for commercial purposes or competition purposes/activities;
  4. Reproduce the Seleris Platform (via "frame" or "mirror") or set up this part of the Seleris Platform on any other website without prior written consent;
  5. Send announcements to or through the Seleris Platform that violate any laws, regulations or rules, or that may support unlawful activities or criminal activities;
  6. Transmitting or providing a link to any announcement containing defamatory language, slander, and lies;
  7. Send spam or other messages that are unsolicited or cause annoyance, disruption, or inconvenience;
  8. Transmitting or storing material that may infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any entity or person, including but not limited to copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or confidential information or publications;
  9. Transmitting or storing any material that is prohibited by applicable law or violates existing rights and obligations under contractual relationships;
  10. Transmit or store any material that contains software viruses, worms, trojan horses or other harmful computer code;
  11. Impersonate any person or group, or falsely state or misrepresent to a person or entity the relationship or assume a false identity if the purpose is to mislead or deceive;
  12. Manipulate or falsify information in order to disguise the origin of statements provided by you;
  13. Use the Seleris Platform in any manner that could damage, disable, inhibit or interfere with the Seleris Platform or other users' use of computer equipment, or cause damage, interference or limit the functionality of software, hardware or telecommunications equipment;
  14. Gain unauthorized access or make unauthorized modifications to the Seleris Platforms or other related websites, other accounts, computer systems, networks connected to the Seleris Platforms by hacking, password theft or other similar means;
  15. Obtain or attempt to obtain any material or information by means not intended to be provided by the Seleris Platforms (including but not limited to other destinations provided by the Seleris Platforms). This includes but is not limited to, obtaining or collecting information about others such as email addresses;
  16. Engaging in fraudulent acts or actions aimed at manipulating search engine results pages (SERPs) or performing search engine optimization ("SEO"). SEO practices are considered unethical or constitute "spamdexing" including but not limited to cloaking, metadata, title tags, content scraping, link schemes, google bombs, keyword searches, hidden text or hidden links, link schemes, spammy comments and other things;
  17. Any other act that may negatively affect or cause damage to the Seleris Platform, Seleris or its affiliates and employees, or Seleris' reputation;
  18. Modify or create derivative works based on the Seleris Platform and/or services provided by Seleris, or reverse engineer or access the underlying software for any reason; or
  19. Use the Site to build competitive products or services.


9.7. By using the Seleris Platform, you hereby represent and warrant that you are not suspected and/or implicated and/or subject to any prohibition or restriction by any sanctions program, or subject to penalties under any anti-money laundering and terrorism financing regime.


10. User Submissions


Our platform contains certain functions (such as insurance product comparison features, publishing articles and/or social media content that allows you, as a user, to share our Content through your social media account). You must not submit, upload or transmit any communication or content of any type to any other website that may infringe or violate our rights or the rights of any other party. By submitting any communication, content, business information, idea, concept or work to us or any website, you agree that such submission is not confidential for any type of use.

By submitting any business information, idea, concept or creation, whether by email or other means, you automatically represent that the owner of such content has specifically granted to Seleris a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, idea-wide and non-exclusive license to use, recreate, create derivative works from, modify, publish, edit, translate, distribute, perform and display such communication or content in any media, form, format or forum, whether known now or in the future.


11. Limitation of Liability


11.1. The services and content of this site are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We hereby expressly state that We make no warranty or guarantee of any kind, whether express or implied, with respect to the merchantability of the products or services, or the suitability of the products and services we provide for a particular purpose and against the misuse of rights where applicable.


11.2. We do not warrant the accuracy, authenticity, integrity or quality of the content, site or resources available to and from the site including, but not limited to, any warranty that the content, site or resources are free from damaging, indecent or controversial source material.


11.3. Any downloaded or other materials obtained through the use of this service are at your own responsibility and risk. You voluntarily assume such risk, and you will be solely responsible for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with such material, including any damage to your computer system or loss of data incurred as a result of downloading any material provided.


11.4. You agree to always and forever release and hold harmless Seleris, its affiliates and all of its directors, officers, personnel, agents, partners, employees and successors from any claims, demands, costs, damages, actions, losses, liabilities, fines, penalties, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or in connection with any information, content, comments, or opinions you submit, present, or transmit to Seleris, your use of our Services, your violation of these Terms & Conditions, or your violation of any right, title or interest of another third party as a result of your use and access of our Services.


11.5. By using our Services, you understand that our Services are not free of viruses, worms, trojan horses, or any code that may cause or manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are expected and responsible for applying sufficient procedures and vigilance (i) when providing information/data in applying for insurance coverage and/or using our Services and (ii) for maintaining the system in reconstructing lost data in the digital devices you use. Any transmission of information by you to us is at your own risk. No matter how effective the technology, you understand that no security system is impenetrable or secure against bugs, viruses, illegal or unauthorized access.


11.6. Seleris shall not be liable for any risks (including security breaches, if any) incurred as a result of your non-application of the procedures and sufficient caution referred to above when you use our Services.


11.7. Without prejudice to what is provided in the terms, the liability of each party is limited and excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law, such as for personal injury and death. We will not be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, resulting from or connected to your use of the Seleris Platform or use of links on the Seleris Platform, including but not limited to special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages or other economic losses, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. The sole remedy available to you is termination of use of the Seleris Platform.


12. Links to Third Party Services


12.1. Our Service may provide links to third-party websites. These links are not an indication of our approval or endorsement of any third-party website. We are not responsible for any content on third party websites including the accuracy and integrity of their materials. Any agreements and transactions between you and third parties (including advertisers) whose links appear on our services are between you and those third parties. We are not responsible for any loss or claim that may be caused by any agreement or transaction between you and such third parties.


12.2. We do not review and/or have no control over these sites, sources, and content. You agree that We are not responsible for the content or availability of such sites and resources, and We do not endorse or recommend and are not responsible for the origin of the sites or content.


12.3. You agree to hold Us harmless from and against any and all liabilities, expenses, losses, or damages, directly or indirectly caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or account for the content, sites or resources.


13. Termination


13.1. Seleris has the sole and absolute discretion to modify, suspend, discontinue or terminate the Seleris Platform, including any services or products provided under the Seleris Platform, and/or use of the Seleris Platform, or any part thereof, at any time for any reason without prior notice to you.


13.2. In the event of termination, you remain bound by the obligations in these Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to the warranties, indemnities, releases and limitations of liability that you have agreed to, in respect of any services that have been provided to you but have not been fully provided as at the date of termination.


13.3. Seleris shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination or suspension of your access to the Seleris Platform.


14. Law and jurisdiction


14.1. These Terms & Conditions are made and construed under the provisions of the laws applicable in the Republic of Indonesia.


14.2. Any dispute, whether contractual or not, arising out of or in connection with these Terms & Conditions (including any question of existence, validity or termination) shall be mutually settled amicably within 30 (thirty) calendar days of notification of the dispute.


14.3. If settlement by the aforementioned means cannot be reached within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the time notice of dispute is received by any party, such dispute shall be referred to and settled at the Indonesian National Arbitration Board ("Arbitration") located at Wahana Graha, 1st and 2nd Floor, Jl. Mampang Prapatan No. 2, Jakarta, Indonesia in accordance with the current Arbitration Rules of the Indonesian National Arbitration Board ("BANI Rules"), which rules are deemed incorporated by reference in this clause.


15. Privacy Policy


Seleris respects your confidentiality. Seleris will endeavor to comply with relevant data protection legal requirements when performing its obligations under these Terms and Conditions. The Privacy Policy governing the rights and obligations of Seleris and users regarding privacy is present in a separate document, available at Privacy Policy


16. Force Majeure


16.1. Seleris shall not be liable for any non-performance or breach of these Terms and Conditions, such as transaction failure, restricted access to the Seleris Platform, or any damage or harm to users caused by any act or condition beyond the reasonable control of either You or Us ("Force Majeure Event"). Force Majeure Events include but are not limited to natural disasters (floods, earthquakes), epidemics, riots, declarations of war, war, military action, terrorist acts, embargoes, sanctions, changes in laws or regulations, lightning, storms/typhoons/cyclones, strikes, demonstrations, bankruptcy or insolvency of airlines or hotels, and cyber-attacks.


16.2. Seleris will not be liable for any damages or losses caused in any way to any party if Seleris is unable to process your order due to a Force Majeure Event.


17. How to Report Security Vulnerabilities


You can send reports of security vulnerability risks to our email address at Seleris will confirm the report immediately.


18. Customer Complaints


Delivering the best experience through our products or services is our commitment to value your satisfaction. We understand that sometimes issues are difficult to avoid and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. To ensure that we address your concerns promptly and effectively, we have provided this Customer Complaint Submission Form.


19. Miscellaneous


19.1. The provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions and any agreements and policies incorporated or referred to in these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to the Seleris services and Platform and supersede any prior agreement or understanding between the parties with respect thereto. The parties hereby also exclude all implied terms. In entering into the agreement formed by these Terms and Conditions, the parties do not rely on any information, representation, warranty, understanding, undertaking, promise or guarantee of any person other than those expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.


19.2. If You use the Seleris Platform for or on behalf of a third party, such as a family member or travel companion, then such third party shall be deemed to have agreed to and bound itself to all the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions. You are responsible for any errors in the accuracy of the information provided in connection with such use. In addition, you must inform such third parties of all applicable terms and conditions. When using the Site for or on behalf of a third party, you agree to indemnify and hold Seleris harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, suits and claims including legal fees, arising out of or connected with any breach of these Terms and Conditions or negligence by you and/or such third party. Any loss or damage or claim brought by a third party in relation to the Seleris services and/or Platform will be settled under the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions.


19.3. In the event that any provision of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be unenforceable or invalid, by a court of competent jurisdiction, then such provision shall remain in effect to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and such determination shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other remaining provisions. Severed Terms and Conditions shall be replaced with provisions that approximate the original wording and intent as much as possible.


19.4. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions at any time shall not be construed as a waiver of either party's right at a later time to enforce any other provision or provisions of these Terms and Conditions unless such provision is waived in writing.


19.5. You may not assign or transfer Your rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions, without Our prior written consent.


19.6. Seleris may assign, sublicense or otherwise transfer any of the rights granted to Seleris or subcontract any of Seleris' obligations in providing services on the Seleris Platform. Unless otherwise stated, nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to confer on any third party any right to enforce any term or to confer on any third party any benefit under these Terms and Conditions.


19.7. Notices given in accordance with these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed sufficiently given if made in writing and forwarded by registered post or recorded delivery service or equivalent to either party (at Our registered address, or otherwise notified). Seleris may give notice to You by means of a general notice published on the Seleris Platform or to Your electronic mail address listed in Your account. You must give notice to Seleris by registered post or recorded delivery service or equivalent to either Party (at Our registered address, or notified).


19.8. You agree to comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations and codes, including any amendments thereto (if any), to Your dealings with Seleris, including provisions relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption.


19.9. These Terms & Conditions are made in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the two language versions, you agree that the Indonesian language version shall prevail and the English language version shall be deemed amended and interpreted to conform to and be consistent with the relevant Indonesian language version of these Terms & Conditions.


Contact Information


If you require any further information or have any questions about our Terms & Conditions, please feel free to contact us by email at or by viewing the footer page at the bottom of the site.