
Privacy and Policy

Seleris Life and Medical Insurance Underwriting

Privacy Policy

Last updated : December 21, 2023

 Pursuant to Law No. 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection ("Personal Data Protection Law") and its implementing regulations, this Privacy Policy is issued to all valued clients and/or prospective clients of PT Seleris Meditekno Internasional ("Seleris", "we", "us", "our" or the "Company") ("Privacy Policy"). This Privacy Policy describes how Seleris, its subsidiaries, affiliates and jointly controlled entities collect, use, process, disclose, transfer and protect personal data, both through the Seleris website (, any subdomains thereof, and any other Seleris platforms that Seleris provides services through (collectively, the "Site"), mobile, tablet and other smart device applications, and application program interfaces (collectively, the "Application") and all related services (collectively, the "Seleris Services"). The Sites, Apps and Seleris Services together are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Seleris Platform"

  This Privacy Policy applies to Seleris users, Providers, agents, suppliers, partners, contractors and service providers ("you" or "your"). Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policy and please contact us via the Contact provided in "Our Contact Details" (see Section 17 of this Privacy Policy) if you have any questions.


1.     Personal Data Description

Personal data means about an identified or identifiable individual separately or in combination with other information, either directly or indirectly through electronic or non-electronic systems ("Personal Data").

If we are unable to collect your Personal Data, we may not be able to provide our services to you

1.1.  Personal Data Provided When You Use Our Seleris Platform

1.     When you use the Seleris Platform as a user, we collect Personal Data that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person or device associated with that information. Without collecting it, we cannot provide all of the services you request on the Seleris Platform. Personal Data that we collect directly from you, including but not limited to:

·       Name;

·       Identity card number;

·       Gender;

·       Email address;

·       Cell phone number;

·       Internet Protocol address;

·       Images (still/recorded);

·       combining Personal Data to identify a person; and

·       other data in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia.


2.     In some cases, we will ask you to provide us with government-issued documents as part of the know your customer (KYC) process where required under applicable laws or Seleris Terms of Use to identify you and to process requests, purchases and/or additional/additional services related to the services you use such as certain personal protection products, financial management services, asset management services, insurance claims and other Seleris services and/or products.


3.     When you use the Seleris Platform as a Seleris provider and/or supplier ("Provider"), in order for the Seleris Platform and its features to function, we need to collect Personal Data that identifies or can be used to identify, contact or locate any person, property or business associated with the services provided by Providers on the Seleris Platform. We also collect other Personal Data necessary to carry out payment obligations between you and us including related tax obligations.


4.     If you use payment and/or transactional services within the Seleris Platform to either make a payment or receive any payment, we will collect certain Personal Data in connection with the payment and/or transactional services that you use. Such data includes (but is not limited to):

·       Payment card number or account identifier;

·       Payment card or account holder;

·       Sender and recipient details;

·       Goods/services transacted on the Seleris Platform; and/or

·       Transaction history.


5.     When you use the Seleris Platform to apply for a job with Seleris, we will collect your resume, work history, and educational qualifications as part of the registration process, onboarding/new hire process, and candidate acceptance process.


1.2.  Personal Data Provided When You Process Your Account Registration and Account Management

When you register and create an account on the Seleris Platform as a user and/or Provider, we ask you to provide us with certain Personal Data including but not limited to your full name, phone number and email address. Specifically for Providers, we may also ask you to provide certain Personal Data necessary to verify your onboarding process. Such information includes details of your business, property and bank account information.

1.3.  Personal Data Provided When You Process Your Account Registration and Account Management

Each time you use the Seleris Platform, we will collect Personal Data in the form of technical data about your device and how it is used. This includes information such as the web pages you view, session duration, internet device identification, as well as access to media, including :

  1. Your geographic location. We will collect information about your actual location, whether or not you are using the Seleris Platform, in order to provide you with offers according to the relevant location as provided on the Seleris Platform. We may also obtain your approximate location from your Internet Protocol address ("IP Address") and General Positioning System (GPS) and other information provided from your mobile device.
  2. Your Log Information. When you use the Seleris Platform, we will collect information that we refer to as "log information". Log information may be collected even if you do not create an account on the Seleris Platform. This log information may include (but is not limited to) IP address, browser type, operating system, nationality, pages visited, mobile carrier, device information, search history, and other internet usage related information. We use log information to provide you with a better experience in using the Seleris Platform.
  3. Cookies and similar technologies. We may use cookies and similar technologies (such as web beacons, tags, scripts) to collect information. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your computer or mobile device to help us track your internet usage. We use cookies in certain email notifications that we send after a purchase/reservation of goods/services on the Seleris Platform has been made (for example, to learn about your behavior and experience on the Seleris Platform, such as whether the email notification was sent and opened and whether links in the email were clicked). In addition, we use cookies to provide you with a better experience using the Seleris Platform so that the Seleris Platform will recognize you when you use the Seleris Platform in the future. Please disable the cookies option if you would like us to discontinue the cookies feature and please note that if you disable cookies, you may not be able to access all or part of the Seleris Platform, or use all or part of the functionality through the Seleris Platform.
  4. Device and installed app information. Data and information from your mobile phone and/or from applications installed on your device may be collected to provide segmented risk profiles and generate aggregated statistical information where necessary and where required for Seleris financial services related checks. To protect your identity, we remove all personal identifiers (if any) and mask the information. Any metadata processed in this way cannot be used to reproduce the original data collected.


1.4.  Personal Data We Collect from Third Parties

We collect your Personal Data from third parties (including Providers and other parties who perform any process on our behalf delivering services on the Seleris Platform, providing services to us or with whom we collaborate). In such cases, collection will be made upon your acknowledgment/direction to the relevant third party. The Personal Data we collect from third parties includes :

  1. Personal Data collected from third parties, if you connect, link or create an account within the Seleris Platform with a third party service where you have been directed by the service provider to send us information such as your registration and profile information controlled by that service or as authorized by you through your privacy settings on that service.
  2. Personal Data collected from your employer if your employer registers you for services on the Seleris Platform using our business or corporate services as agreed with your employer.


1.5.  Personal Data about Third Parties You Provide to Us

You may provide us with Personal Data relating to other third party individuals (including when you add data of third party individuals as owners of insurance products). In such cases, you are responsible for and warrant to us that you have obtained properly documented consent from the relevant third party individual and have given consent on that individual's behalf for our collection, use, disclosure and processing of his/her Personal Data


2.     Purposes for Collection and Use of Your Personal Data

2.1.  Seleris will use your Personal Data for the following purposes including but not limited to:

1.     Issuance of insurance policies and related services;

2.     Customer service;

3.     Personalization of sales and marketing activities.

2.2.  We process your Personal Data (from collection to deletion) in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the consent you give us, or to comply with applicable laws such as:

1.     the use of Personal Data is necessary to perform a contract with you or a Provider;

2.     the use of Personal Data is necessary to comply with statutory or regulatory requirements; and/or

3.     the use of Personal Data is necessary to protect your vital interests or our legitimate interests (including but not limited to the purposes stated herein).

2.3.  In order to provide our services to you and improve your experience on the Seleris Platform, we may collect, store, use and disclose your Personal Data for the following reasons and as permitted by applicable laws and regulations:

1.     identifying you as a user or Provider which includes registering, maintaining and managing your account on the Seleris Platform;

2.     offering insurance and financial packages that match your preferences;

3.     verifying your account, transactions and/or registration as we may, in our absolute discretion require before providing services on the Seleris Platform (if you are a Provider) or if you are a user, before providing any services from us or a Provider, or any third party providing services on the Seleris Platform;

4.     administer, operate and manage the Seleris Platform;

5.     contact you regarding your use of, and access to, the Seleris Platform and manage queries and requests submitted by you through the Seleris Platform;

6.     customize Your experience while using the Seleris Platform;

7.     monitor and analyze your activities, demographic data, behavior, search queries, response times for the various services provided on the Seleris Platforms, and any Personal Data you provide to the Seleris Platforms to support and improve the performance, user experience, growth and functionality of the Seleris Platforms. We will anonymize your Personal Data (or use other methods as required by applicable law) before we process it for these purposes;

8.     detect and prevent money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud, abusive behavior, harmful or illegal activity including to comply with applicable laws, respond to legal requests, and protect our rights;

9.     publish your reviews of our services as well as products listed on the Seleris Platform;

10.  enforce the provisions of the Seleris Terms and Conditions;

11.  resolving disputes, collecting pending payments and problem solving; and/or

12.  for any other purpose that we notify you of when we collect Personal Data.

2.4.  We use your Personal Data for marketing purposes, through:

1.     digital marketing which includes, but is not limited to, social media, display advertising, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and push notifications;

2.     conventional marketing purposes which include, but are not limited to, sending you electronic mail about new products, special offers, surveys, and/or other information that we think may be of interest to you;

2.5.  Please note that you may opt out of receiving marketing materials from us including the Migration Process by following the unsubscribe instructions set out in our marketing materials or by contacting us at the contact details set out in "Our Contact Details" (see Section 17 of this Privacy Policy) and we will respect your wishes. However, please note that:

1.     we may target and personalize our purchase recommendations and other contacts that we display on the Seleris Platform based on your Personal Data;

2.     we may still send you non-promotional messages or information such as insurance purchases, payment receipts, or account information; and

3.     the opt-out will take effect within 7 (seven) business days after you have successfully unsubscribed from the service.


3.     Disclosure of Personal Data

3.1.  We may share your Personal Data with other companies, organizations and individuals including subsidiaries (each a "Third Party") in connection with providing our services to you and our other customers and for the following purposes and for other purposes permitted by applicable laws and regulations:

1.     if you are a user, to help facilitate the purchase of insurance or other interactions between users and/or Providers;

2.     if you are a user, for the purpose of enabling us and/or Providers, to perform or deliver services/features on the Seleris Platform;

3.     if you are a Provider, for the purpose of enabling users to request, accept and complete any purchases from users to you;

4.     to Third Parties (including agents, Providers, suppliers, contractors, partners and others who perform any process on our behalf, provide services on the Seleris Platform, provide services to us or anyone we collaborate with) in connection with verification, authentication, risk assessment, fraud prevention and product development and maintenance as we or other Third parties may deem necessary before providing you with services including activities relating to anti-money laundering, prevention of the financing of terrorism and creditworthiness checks;

5.     in connection with the course of a transaction in the form of a merger, consolidation, change of control or ownership, restructuring and/or sale of assets of a Seleris business enterprise, your Personal Data may be disclosed and transferred as part of the transaction (even if the transaction does not ultimately proceed). In this case, we will notify you of such transfer of your Personal Data;

6.     in connection with our services, we share Personal Data with Providers of site hosting, data analysis, marketing, promotion, credit card transaction processing, creditworthiness assessment and other relevant services;

7.     if you are a user, to help facilitate the processing of refunds or insurance claims with our Providers or service providers; and/or

8.     if you are a user, to help facilitate the verification process with third parties providing services on the Seleris Platform.

3.2.  Other than as set out in this Privacy Policy, we may disclose or share your Personal Data if we notify you and we have obtained your consent for such disclosure and sharing. Please note that we will disclose your Personal Data subject to the following conditions:

1.     Contractual Obligations. You agree, accept and are bound by this Privacy Policy and the Seleris Terms and Conditions when using our services available on the Seleris Platform. In addition to contractual obligations under the Seleris Terms and Conditions, we will apply other legal bases or your consent to disclose and process your Personal Data.

2.     Consent. We will only share your Personal Data with Third Parties when we have your consent to do so.

3.     For Legal Reasons. We may also, in our absolute discretion, share your Personal Data with Third Parties (including government agencies, law enforcement and lawyers and other advisors) where we consider it necessary to:

a.     comply with applicable laws and regulations;

b.     investigate potential fraud or illegal acts; or

c.     protect our brand, reputation and property.

3.3. Seleris will ensure security control of Personal Data in joint use with Third Parties.


4.     Access to or Correction of Your Personal Data

When you provide us with your Personal Data, please ensure that it is accurate and complete. If you believe that your Personal Data held by us contains errors or is incomplete, please log into your account on the Seleris Platform and correct the Personal Data. In addition, please update your Personal Data through your account immediately, if there are any changes.

If you wish to correct any incorrect or incomplete Personal Data held by you that cannot be corrected through your account on the Seleris Platform, or to access any Personal Data held by you that cannot be accessed through your account on the Seleris Platform, please submit your request to our contact details listed in "Our Contact Details" (see Section 17 of this Privacy Policy).

Where required by applicable law, you may request copies and/or certain access to your Personal Data, which you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. If you wish to obtain a copy of your Personal Data, please contact us via our contact details set out in "Our Contact Details" (see Section 17 of this Privacy Policy).

Seleris will refuse to provide you with access to changes to your Personal Data where:

1.      jeopardizes the safety, physical health or mental health of You and/or others;

2.      results in the disclosure of Personal Data belonging to others; and/or

3.      against the interests of national defense and security.


5.     Approval

By accepting this Privacy Policy, you acknowledge that you have read this Privacy Policy and the Seleris Terms and Conditions and understand their contents and consequences, and you agree and consent to our collection, use, disclosure and processing of your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and/or the Terms and Conditions. Further, you acknowledge that the Personal Data you have provided or will provide is yours to share and is true and accurate.

From time to time, Seleris may revise this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in laws and regulations, our usage practices, Seleris Platform features and/or technological advances. If we make revisions that change the way we collect or use your Personal Data:

1.     we will notify you of such changes via a general notice published on the Seleris Platform, or to your email address listed in your account;

2.     such changes will be published in this Privacy Policy and the effective date will be noted at the beginning of this Privacy Policy; and

3.     your continued use of the Seleris Platform, communications with us, or access to and use of the services following any amendments to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and all amendments thereto.


If we have obtained your consent for any collection, use or disclosure as indicated above, you may withdraw your consent to our collection, use or disclosure of your Personal Data by submitting a request at our contact details listed below. Upon your request, we will immediately stop collecting, using or disclosing your Personal Data, unless required by law or if we have a legitimate business or legal purpose to collect, use or disclose such Personal Data.

Depending on the circumstances and nature of your withdrawal, please note that by withdrawing your consent to our collection, use or disclosure of your Personal Data, we may not be able to continue to provide some of our services to you and you agree that we shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the termination of such services.


6.     Camera and Location Permisisons

Seleris requires the user's camera and location permissions to function properly. The camera permission is used to take photos and videos, while the location permission is used to determine the user's position.

Users are required to grant camera and location permissions directly the first time they use the app. Seleris will not use users' camera and location permissions for purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy.


7.     Deletion of Your Personal Data

To the extent permitted by applicable law, you have the right to request us to delete your Personal Data that we hold from our systems. You may submit an erasure request to us at our Contact Details provided in "Our Contact Details" (see Section 14 of this Privacy Policy).

We will, without undue delay or within the time period prescribed by applicable law, use reasonable efforts to erase your Personal Data, or will use reasonable efforts to erase the means or personal identifiers by which the Personal Data can be associated with you as an individual, if:

1.     the purpose for which the Personal Data was collected is no longer served by the retention of such Personal Data;

2.     we are not authorized or required by applicable law to retain such Personal Data; and/or

3.     where required by applicable law, based on your request to erase your Personal Data.

Please note that by requesting us to delete your Personal Data, we may not be able to continue to provide some of our services to you and you agree that we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the termination of such services.


8.     Storage of Your Personal Data

Unless we delete your Personal Data from our system after receiving a request from you, your Personal Data will be stored by us for as long as your account still exists, and as long as it is needed to provide our services to you, and/or for legitimate business interests, or for as long as such storage is required or permitted by applicable law. We will delete your Personal Data after 5 years or a longer period as required by applicable laws and regulations from the date you terminate/cancel your account registration with us.


9.     Personal Data Protection

We will protect your Personal Data by maintaining appropriate security arrangements, including physical, technical and organizational procedures, to prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. It is important to remember that while we have some safeguards in place to protect your information, nothing on the internet is 100% secure and we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data. If we experience a data breach related to your Personal Data, to the extent required by applicable law, we will notify you through our channels, either directly or indirectly, to provide you with sufficient information about the data breach and will work to protect against misuse of your Personal Data.


10.  Children's Personal Data

We do not knowingly collect, store or use personal data from children under the age of 18, and no part of our intended use is directed at children under the age of 18. If you become aware that your child has provided personal data to us without your consent, please notify us at the Contact Details provided in "Our Contact Details" (see Section 17 of this Privacy Policy). If we become aware that we have collected personal data from a child under the age of 18, we will take immediate steps to delete such information.


11.  Links to Other Seleris Platforms

This Seleris platform may contain links to other sites. You should keep in mind that we have no control over such other sites. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of such other sites and advise you to read the privacy policy of every site you visit that collects your Personal Data.


12.  Registration and Membership

This Seleris Platform allows you to create a user account based on the information you provide. By providing such information, registering and creating your account, you warrant that:

1.     The information You provide is true and accurate, current and complete as required in the registration form on the Seleris Platform ("Registration Data"); and

2.      You will update Your Registration Data to keep it true, accurate and complete.


13.  Complaint

If you have any complaints about our handling of your Personal Data, please contact us at our Contact Details provided in "Our Contact Details" (see Section 14 of this Privacy Policy). We will handle your complaint confidentially. We will contact you within a reasonable time after receiving your complaint to discuss it and outline options on how to resolve your complaint. If you have a complaint regarding our handling of your Personal Data that is not resolved by us, you may lodge a complaint with the relevant government authority. The Personal Data we collect when processing or resolving your complaint will only be used for that purpose.


14.  Language

This Privacy Policy has been prepared in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Indonesian versions of this Privacy Policy, the English version shall prevail.


15.  Our Contact Details

If you require further information about the personal data we hold or would like to know how your information is collected or used that is not set out in this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

1.      Contact Number: +62 (21) 526 52n35

2.      Email :

3.     Address: Graha Surveyor Indonesia, 18th Floor JL. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 56 South Jakarta 12950 Indonesia


The Future of Life Insurance Underwriting

Seleris is a technology company that develops a facial video-based life insurance underwriting application. The application allows insurance companies to assess the risk of potential customers more quickly and accurately, without the need for face-to-face interviews


Get an accurate underwriting assessment with our health analysis. It's quick, easy, and affordable

Feature when using the seleris lifins app:


1.  Improve Your Customer Experience

Take Steps to Enhance and Elevate Your Customer Experience

2.  Get Accurate Risk Assessments in Minutes

Obtain Precise Risk Assessments Within Minutes

3.  Automate Your Underwriting Assessments

Streamline Your Underwriting Assessments with Automated Solutions

4.  Reduce Your Operational Costs

Optimize Cost Efficiency: Reduce Your Operational Costs Effectively



Seleris uses AI technology and machine learning algorithms to analyze customer health.

1.     AI and Machine Learning algorithms

The AI and ML algorithms analyze the video recording for a variety of factors, including the customer's facial features, facial expressions, and voice patterns. These factors are then used to generate a risk score for the customer


2.     Seleris Underwriting

Seleris's underwriting platform uses AI and ML algorithms to assess the risk of potential customers based on a short facial video recording. The video recording can be taken using a smartphone or webcam


3.     The Insurance Company

The insurance company can then use the risk score to make a decision about whether or not to approve the customer's life insurance application

Displays a broad spectrum of medical result. Seleris features a comprehensive set of medical outcome measures by detecting 24 medical outcome parameters.

Seleris not only delivers medical results but also guides your next steps with informed underwriting decisions and tailored coverage advice

Seleris underwriting results are guaranteed to be authentic by a trusted security system. Your data will be protected and your underwriting results will not be able to be altered

We are committed to delivering efficient and effective products and services.


1.    Why Seleris

Seleris offers a number of advantages over traditional underwriting methods, including


2.   Efficiency

Seleris can help insurance companies to reduce the time and cost of underwriting by up to 50%


3.   Accuracy

Seleris's AI-powered platform can assess the risk of potential customers with a high degree of accuracy, even if they have limited or no medical history\


4.   Accessibility

Seleris makes it easy for potential customers to apply for life insurance online in just a few minutes

find out more about seleris at and try it out.

Transform the life insurance industry by making it more efficient, accurate, and accessible for everyone


Head Office

PT Seleris Meditekno Internasional

Graha Surveyor Indonesia, 18th Floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 56 Jakarta Selatan 12950 INDONESIA

Contact Number: +62 (21) 526 52n35

Email :